The “Mortal Kombat” series, first released in 1992, revolutionized the fighting game genre with its brutal and visually striking finishing moves known as Fatalities. These moves allowed players to deliver a spectacular and often gory end to their opponents, cementing the game’s legacy in pop culture. Here, we explore ten of the most iconic Fatalities from the original “Mortal Kombat” game, detailing each move and how to perform them.
1. Scorpion’s “Toasty!”
Scorpion’s iconic Fatality incinerates his opponent with a blast of fire.
How to Perform:
- Stand close to your opponent.
- Input: Up, Up, Back, Back, Block.
2. Sub-Zero’s Spine Rip
Sub-Zero’s gruesome finishing move involves ripping out his opponent’s spine, complete with head attached.
How to Perform:
- Stand close to your opponent.
- Input: Forward, Down, Forward, High Punch.
3. Raiden’s “Electrocution”
Raiden channels his electrical powers to shock his opponent to death.
How to Perform:
- Stand close to your opponent.
- Input: Back, Back, Back, Low Punch.
4. Johnny Cage’s “Uppercut Decapitation”
Johnny Cage delivers a powerful uppercut that decapitates his opponent.
How to Perform:
- Stand close to your opponent.
- Input: Forward, Forward, Down, Up.
5. Sonya Blade’s “Kiss of Death”
Sonya blows a deadly kiss that incinerates her opponent.
How to Perform:
- Stand close to your opponent.
- Input: Forward, Forward, Back, Back, Block.
6. Liu Kang’s “Dragon Transformation”
Liu Kang transforms into a dragon and bites his opponent in half.
How to Perform:
- Stand close to your opponent.
- Input: Down, Forward, Back, Back, Block.
7. Kano’s “Heart Rip”
Kano reaches into his opponent’s chest and pulls out their still-beating heart.
How to Perform:
- Stand close to your opponent.
- Input: Forward, Down, Back, Low Punch.
These Fatalities not only defined “Mortal Kombat” but also became an integral part of its appeal, captivating players with their creativity and shock value. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to the series, mastering these finishing moves is a must for any “Mortal Kombat” aficionado. Happy fighting!