About Us

We at Bring Back Dialup are in love with the feeling you get when you hear a commercial jingle, a video game soundtrack, or the opening theme of a TV. show that you completely forgot about, and it awakens some childhood part of your brain that was long forgotten.

Our name is a humorous nod to the days of using dialup modems to access the internet, and our desire to return to that era, especially on the Internet. Of course, no one really wants to go back to a 56.6k dialup connection, but there are elements of that era that we miss and explore through our content.

Our primary focus is on cultivating and celebrating the existing nostalgia around the culture of the 80s, 90s, and early 200s. We look at the cultural touchstones of the day like TV & Movies, Skateboarding, Vintage Commercials and Advertisements, Digital Culture and Memes, Early Internet, Video Games, Toys, and Fashion.

The Team

Colby Droscher holding a cat

Colby Droscher, Founder

Colby has been in publishing for over 15 years and is the former Editor in Chief of Literally Media’s Entertainment Brands (Cracked.com, eBaumsWorld.com, Cheezburger.com). He’s an avid collector of vinyl, and he loves all things nostalgia (TV, movies, video games, advertisements, toys). He has a deep fondness for the sound of a dialup modem and his first job was at an Internet Service Provider as a customer support representative where he used to be able to tell, by listening to the dialup sound, if someone needed to disable V90 on their modem.